by Rebecca Yarros
Brief Summary
In Fourth Wing, Violet Sorrengail faces even deadlier challenges as she struggles to prove herself worthy of being both a dragon rider and the Commandant's chosen one. In a world where dragons rule the skies and survival means everything, twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail is forced to abandon her scholarly dreams for the brutal reality of dragon rider training. At Basgiath War College, where half the riders don't survive their first year, she must navigate deadly physical trials, forge a bond with a lethal dragon, and face off against ruthlessly competitive candidates - including the infuriatingly compelling Commandant's son, Xaden Riorson. Between dodging dragon fire, uncovering ancient secrets, and fighting an undeniable attraction to her supposed enemy, Violet learns that becoming a rider is more than just mounting a dragon - it's about discovering who she truly is, even if that discovery might burn everything she knows to ashes. In this adrenaline-fueled fantasy romance, the only thing more dangerous than failing is succeeding.